A Skink

Okay, so you may not approve of me and my reptiles, but I sure love animals. I will admit that sometimes I am frightened by their sudden movements or possible bite, but I always enjoy observing the amazing things the Lord has created for us on this earth! So do my boys. I was blessed with a mother who never feared reptiles (they really aren't all slimy). She taught us to love and care for animals so I am passing it down another generation. Watch the video below to see what Oliver thinks of a skink! Nana, is the woman speaking and my brother Nick is the man. I found this video on my camera after a Sunday dinner. It reminds me of my childhood in a quirky way. The pictures above are my last goodbye with our 6 hour pet and his journey home!
Thanks Nana and Uncle Nick!

A Skink from Amz Epp on Vimeo.
